Friday, September 21, 2007

The meeting was called to order...

The first meeting of The Girls Next Door Book Club met at Patti’s house on Tuesday September 18, 2007. It was a lively and eclectic group of women spanning several decades (yikes!) all of us excited by the prospect of sharing an intellectual journey together. For me the best part of the meeting was during introductions when no one described herself as only a mother or wife but instead as an exciting and vital woman making her own way in the world. It was fun listening to women who didn't know each other a few hours before laughing, talking and making plans for the future together. It seems that we have a truly auspicious beginning to our club. A few potential members were unable to attend but promised to be at the next meeting.
At the meeting a few basic ground rules were decided and these will be addressed in a separate post. We also voted on the first three books to be read and opened up the floor for ideas for our December ‘road’ meeting. A few ideas discussed were books to movies such as Love in the time of Cholera opening in November or Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen performed by the Pittsburgh Irish Classical Theatre. Sally is also researching a series of talks at the Frick Museum. It was agreed to keep costs at a minimum.
Patti volunteered to be our secretary and will keep track of meetings and members. Dode graciously will host the next meeting and Kathy agreed to lead the discussion of the first book.
This forum is for all of us to keep in touch with each other and to share information. Please, please, please comment on boards, keep the dialogue going, ask questions, disagree, it’s all about communicating.

1 comment:

"Honey" said...

Hello everyone - just wanted to let you know that due to an Amazon muxup I have an extra copy of "The Shadow of the Wind" - if anyone wants to buy it from me...