Monday, December 3, 2007

Frick Tour Update

I have some additional details about the Frick Mansion Tour on Saturday, December 15. As we discussed, we will meet at Dode's house at 2pm to drop off food, BYOB, and our book exchange items (remember to bring a used book that is holiday wrapped to use in our book exchange).

We will leave Dode's at approximately 2:30pm and arrive at the Frick about 3pm taking two or three cars depending on how many people attend. We will start our tour at the Visitor's Center/Gift Shoppe at exactly 3:30pm ( I confirmed a reservation today) and the cost of the tour is $12 each. They ask that we make only one payment - so I will collect the money at Dode's before we leave so that I can pay for all of the tickets when we arrive. The tour of the mansion is a docent led tour and should last about 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes. There are also other buildings and galleries on the site that might be of interest to you - all of them closing around 5pm. After the tour we will go back to Dode's for some holiday cheer and to have our book exchange.

Please leave any comments, suggestions, or questions on this site so that we can get the information out to everyone. This should be a wonderful holiday event - I hope that everyone is as excited as I am about our little road trip to the Frick - a wonderful piece of Pittsburgh history!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making our reservations. We went last year and it was wonderful, even the guys loved it. I've ordered a new book about to be published called "Helen Clay Frick: Bittersweet Heiress" by Martha Frick Symington Sanger from the library. Hopefully it will be available before we go to Clayton. The article in the book section of the PG includes a wonderful picture of the mansion.