Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

A few weeks ago I attended City Theatre's production of The Vagina Monologues with a few close friends (for a great review see Dawn Papuga’s Lyrique Tragedy Reviews). Since I was familiar with the play I was also aware of the controversies surrounding The Vagina Monologues. From social conservatives who oppose the play on ‘moral’ grounds and even, more surprisingly, to some feminists who fault the play “ as having a negative and restrictive view of sexuality and an anti-male bias” The Vagina Monologues will evoke strong reactions in most people. Even during the play when one of the actresses said "No matter how many times you say it, it never sounds like a word you want to say” the audience smiles, nods and agrees. But later as the actresses begin telling the funny, sad, uplifting, heartbreaking and horrifying stories from women around the world, we suddenly find parts of ourselves in their stories and realize we are all sisters, united, sitting there in the tiny Hamburg Theater.

You are probably wondering what this has to do with Valentine's Day.

Ten years ago Eve Ensler, author of The Vagina Monologues founded an organization called V-Day. V-Day is a global movement to stop violence against women and girls, including rape, battery, incest, female genital mutilation (FGM) and sexual slavery. V-Day also works to raise money and to increase awareness of the problems facing women and girls in the world today. V-Day's message is simple; the violence must end. Ensler's organization has declared Valentine's Day as V-Day until the violence against women ends.

"Ending violence against women is actually about each of us being willing to struggle to be a different kind of human being. It means not accepting force as a method of coercion and oppression — in our homes and in our world. But really it means examining what is at the root of that need for force. Why are women still muted, controlled, silenced, weakened, and contained? What would happen if they were safe and free?

Ending violence against women means opening to the great power of women, the mystery of women, the heart of women, the wild, unending sexuality and creativity of women — and not being afraid."

Eve Ensler

The feeling of sisterhood that swept over me at the Hamburg is still strong and growing even stronger. Eve Ensler calls on each of us to become a Vagina Warrior in this fight against violence against women and girls. Eve and her group of volunteers have raised over $50 million for education surrounding the issues of violence against women and girls through the media and PSA campaigns. V-Day has also opened shelters and safe houses in Kenya, Egypt, Iraq and the USA and funded over 5,000 community based anti-violence programs around the world. From each dollar donated .94 goes back into the programs sponsored by V-Day.

Unfortunately most of us will come into contact with violence directed at women during our lifetimes. Perhaps with our help, our daughters and granddaughters will celebrate Victory Over Violence Day on February 14th when violence against women and girls will be a thing of the past.

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